The Duality Paradox Guide (paperback)


Confidence and doubt. Joy and sorrow. Strength and vulnerability. We contain multitudes. “The Duality Paradox” is a self-reflection guide that transforms how you view and approach your internal conflicts. Through practical exercises, creative prompts, and mindfulness techniques, you’ll learn to:

  • Work with your contradictions, not against them
  • Transform self-criticism into constructive self-reflection
  • Navigate life’s complexities with greater ease and authenticity

Whether you’re facing a big decision, feeling stuck, or seeking a deeper understanding of yourself, this guide offers a path to greater self-awareness and acceptance. It’s not about becoming a “better you” – it’s about embracing the wonderfully complex person you already are.

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Discovering Your Authentic Self

The Duality Paradox Guide 📘 Embracing Your Whole Self

You know those moments when you feel like you’re two different people at once? Maybe [...]

Resolving Inner Conflict 🌓 Embracing Contradictions & Exploring Duality

I felt like a mess today.You know how it is? One minute you’re on top [...]

Discovering Your Authentic Self: A Path to Self-Acceptance

You know those moments when you felt utterly lost, unsure of who you were or [...]

Beyond Perfect: The Power of Self-Acceptance

Look, we’ve all got stuff going on inside us that doesn’t quite make sense. One [...]

The Duality Paradox Guide by Julia Delaney page 3-4
The Duality Paradox Guide (paperback)

99 in stock (can be backordered)