I’m sharing my personal discovery of how our struggles, fears, and imperfections are just as crucial to our identity as our dreams and strengths. This poem is for anyone who’s ever felt the pressure to hide parts of themselves or learn to appreciate their whole story – highlights and lowlights included. If you’re on a path of self-discovery, working on personal growth, or simply trying to find peace with who you are, this one’s for you.

Being Real

You know, I stumbled upon peace in a pile of my own mess. 
On those rough days, it kind of surprising, I learned the most. 
It’s like, even in the dark, there’s this tiny spark
that keeps you going.
See, the ones who move with quiet strength, 
they’ve found a way: They made space inside, 
where fear and dreams share the same breath, 
where shame and pride rest shoulder to shoulder, both holding their weight.
Inside, it’s not a battlefield or a tangled mess; 
it’s more like a room where all your pieces confess, 
a lived-in room, where every piece of you—scratched, bruised, or polished—
has it’s place, 
because here, everything belongs, and nothing’s erased.
Nothing gets the boot, not even jealousy or pain,
because what would we be if we threw parts of us away?
And here I am, standing in my full story,
not just the highlights, but the struggles, the worries.
I learned something powerful about who I am:
it’s all these pieces together that make me stand.
You can’t just ditch the parts of you that are tough to face,
because they come with the package, this human race.
And it’s kind of beautiful, when you see it clear—
how all these bits make a whole, and it’s all quite dear.
Everything about me, from the darkest corners to the brightest spots, 
it’s all welcome here. Because, being real? 
It’s about letting every part of you have a home.
That’s the beauty of being truly yourself—you embrace it all.

(2018, © Julia Delaney)

Being Real; Julia Delaney
when words fail

Let’s celebrate the beautiful complexity of being human, where every piece of us has a home.

Be Alive 🌱
Love ❤️, Julia

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