Tag Archives: self-discovery

One More Step

This poem offers hope and motivation for anyone who has struggled with emotional resilience and [...]

Bare Narratives: The Stories We Wear

Skin Stories We’ve been conditioned to see our bodies as projects, billboards for our successes [...]

Being Real ✧ Self-Acceptance & Authenticity

I’m sharing my personal discovery of how our struggles, fears, and imperfections are just as [...]

Ever in Sight – the Judgments I Cast

In the raw light of truth, it becomes undeniably clear: the judgments I cast are [...]

Navigating Spiritual Seeking: The Fine Line Between Salvation and Subjugation

Finding Authenticity Amid Deception You know how we’re all sort of searching for something bigger [...]

Imagine Love

Love, an eternal echo, subtle and profound, a connection felt but never bound… Be Alive [...]

How Much Emotional Pain Can We Take? Facing Loss & Heartbreak

When the weight of a broken heart crushes you, leaving you gasping for air… When [...]

Vulnerability & Strength: Balancing Lessons from Romantics

You know, it’s funny how life can be a lot like walking on a tightrope. [...]

Through My Gaze

This poem delves into the struggle of finding one's authentic self amidst the cacophony of [...]

Unbound: The Essence of Now 🎧

In the restless pursuit of meaning, I often found myself caught in the unyielding cyclone [...]

Reclaiming Authenticity: From Illusions to Oceanfront Awakening

In the quietude before dawn, when the world is still enveloped in shadows, we find [...]

The Blossoming Soul: Deception, Resilience, and the Unfolding of Inner Truth and Self Discovery

Like the flowers in the garden, we must root ourselves in the soil of our [...]

The Twisted Transformation

The quest for a richer inner life can sometimes lure us into landscapes filled with [...]

When the Mirror Speaks: Uncovering Hidden Truths in Our Reactions

By sharing my experiences and opening up about the beauty and strength I’ve found in [...]

Despair: The Unseen Chasm

And boy, the despair… Despair felt like standing at the edge of a cliff with [...]


Then the bargaining came… It was a bit like trying to haggle at a market [...]

Grief: Strength Beneath the Rubble

Strength Beneath the Rubble You know, when it felt like my world was crumbling around [...]

Paths Unwritten: In the Throes of Creation

Uncharted: In the Lines of a Scribble I remember this specific night… grappling with a heartbreak [...]


Glimpses of Innate: Beauty that Shines

I’m sharing here something that I’ve experienced, something that goes beyond just an idea or [...]

About Positive Pranic

Here We Are Prana… interesting word, isn’t it? Some think it’s the breath, a fleeting [...]