Tag Archives: love

Four Paws of Mindfulness: Discovering Inner Peace Through the Eyes of My Dog

The Tao of Doof: Mastering the Art of Living Before the sun peeks over the [...]

When Winter Whispers My Name

There’s a raw truth in winter’s first chill – it cuts to the heart, reminding [...]

Bare Hearts: Genuine Thrum of Love

Genuine Thrum of Love I thought about Love today… Not just that butterflies-in-your-stomach kind of [...]

How Much Emotional Pain Can We Take? Facing Loss & Heartbreak

When the weight of a broken heart crushes you, leaving you gasping for air… When [...]

Vulnerability & Strength: Balancing Lessons from Romantics

You know, it’s funny how life can be a lot like walking on a tightrope. [...]

The Wisdom From Hopeless Romantics: Lessons in Love and Life

Let go of our preconceived notions and embrace the freedom that comes with being truly [...]

Dare to Bear

I wrote this poem as a reminder of the strength and resilience that lies within [...]

Universal Love: Forever Whole

As I share with you my poem on Universal Love, I am filled with a [...]

Grief’s Deception: The Unending Breath of Love

Grief’s Deception: The Unending Breath of Love Grief has this one sneaky way of settling [...]

Breaking Bread: Uniting Humanity Through a Simple Act

Breaking bread. Have you heard this phrase? I bet you have. Have you ever wondered [...]

You can shine with the light beaming out of your heart

We are all in power to create little islands of peace around us, and may [...]

Braking Bread: The Unspoken Bond

Be Alive 🌱Love ❤️, Julia

The Dual Pulse: Rage and Love

When the war in Ukraine started, shattering the streets where I once played and grew, [...]

In Love I Fall Again…

Love is not a journey but a state of being, a continuous dance to an [...]

What is Love? Love Infinite Facets

‘What is Love?‘ he asked.In a world cluttered with definitions and drowned in sentiments, finding [...]