Tag Archives: resilience

Resolving Inner Conflict: Embracing Contradictions & Exploring Duality ☯️

I’m a mess.You know how it is? One minute you’re on top of the world, [...]

One More Step

This poem offers hope and motivation for anyone who has struggled with emotional resilience and [...]

Kissed By a Ray 🎧

Today, I woke up, kissed by a ray of sun gently on my forehead… I [...]

The Healing I Can Hold

Resilience In My Fingertips During those tough times, and even now when the flickers of [...]

How Much Emotional Pain Can We Take? Facing Loss & Heartbreak

When the weight of a broken heart crushes you, leaving you gasping for air… When [...]

Vulnerability & Strength: Balancing Lessons from Romantics

You know, it’s funny how life can be a lot like walking on a tightrope. [...]

Dare to Bear

I wrote this poem as a reminder of the strength and resilience that lies within [...]

Grief’s Deception: The Unending Breath of Love

Grief’s Deception: The Unending Breath of Love Grief has this one sneaky way of settling [...]


Grounded growth is an intimate dance, a meditation, a chance for a silent romance. From [...]

Breaking Bread: Uniting Humanity Through a Simple Act

Breaking bread. Have you heard this phrase? I bet you have. Have you ever wondered [...]

When the Mirror Speaks: Uncovering Hidden Truths in Our Reactions

By sharing my experiences and opening up about the beauty and strength I’ve found in [...]

From Soil to Soul: Embracing Growth Amidst Loss

From Soil to Soul There’s a remarkable sanctuary, where the echoes of bygone days and [...]

Despair: The Unseen Chasm

And boy, the despair… Despair felt like standing at the edge of a cliff with [...]

Paths Unwritten: In the Throes of Creation

Uncharted: In the Lines of a Scribble I remember this specific night… grappling with a heartbreak [...]


About Positive Pranic

Here We Are Prana… interesting word, isn’t it? Some think it’s the breath, a fleeting [...]


The Human Experience: The Ebbs and Tides of Joy, Sorrow and Beyond

Life’s Dance Life is a complex dance of emotions, experiences, and all that lies in [...]