Category Archives: Life

Resolving Inner Conflict: Embracing Contradictions & Exploring Duality ☯️

I’m a mess.You know how it is? One minute you’re on top of the world, [...]


Time… it doesn’t tick, it drifts… and here it just flows. What matters to me [...]

When Ends Begin: A Poem About Love, Loss, and New Beginnings

a short poem exploring the cyclical nature of love and life. It speaks to the [...]

One More Step

This poem offers hope and motivation for anyone who has struggled with emotional resilience and [...]

My Secret to Inner Peace

You want to know the secret to inner peace? It’s not about having a perfect [...]

Bare Narratives: The Stories We Wear

Skin Stories We’ve been conditioned to see our bodies as projects, billboards for our successes [...]

I Thought You Knew How Shingles Feel

Sorry, this poem just happens to be quite sarcastic. I’m blaming it on the anti-viral [...]

Being Real ✧ Self-Acceptance & Authenticity

I’m sharing my personal discovery of how our struggles, fears, and imperfections are just as [...]

Ever in Sight – the Judgments I Cast

In the raw light of truth, it becomes undeniably clear: the judgments I cast are [...]

Longing for Genuine Human Connection – The Spaces Between

You know that feeling when you’re scrolling through your phone, and everything just starts to [...]

Unspoken Stories in Crowded Rooms and Things I Say

Unspoken Stories in Crowded Rooms I stood there, amid the swirl of the party, my [...]

What Does it Take to Turn on the Light?

Experience the magic of the little things that brighten our days. Discover the power within [...]

Ephemeral Dance of the Snowflake

In the dim light of a small, cluttered room, I sit by the window, the [...]

Confronting Self-Judgment

I hope it brings a sense of connection and understanding to those who find themselves [...]

Beyond the Buzz: The Bumblebee Paradox

Have you ever watched a bumblebee? I mean, really watched one? There’s something kind of [...]

Hear Me. In the Silence, We Speak.

In the Silence, We Speak I noticed how the most profound conversations are often the [...]

Let’s Unpack: How to Let Go and Release the Burdens of the Past

See how to let go and release the burdens of the past with practical tips [...]

The Power of the Ocean: Finding Love, Clarity, and Self-Discovery

The ocean taught me profound lessons about life. It was a living, breathing entity, changing [...]

The Power of Words

The power of words in the journey of healing. Explore the depths of emotions and [...]

Through My Gaze

This poem delves into the struggle of finding one's authentic self amidst the cacophony of [...]