Tag Archives: mindful

My Secret to Inner Peace

You want to know the secret to inner peace? It’s not about having a perfect [...]

How to Do Body Scan Meditation to Get the Most Benefits 🎧 ▶️📝

Right off the bat, let’s clear the air about something: when we talk about body [...]

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) for Anxiety and Stress Relief 🎧 ▶️ Guided Relaxation Session

Feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? You’re not alone. Stress and anxiety [...]

The Power of Deep Rest 🎧 ▶️ Body Scan Meditation for Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)

They say that 20 minutes of deep rest meditation can be as rejuvenating as an [...]

Why Try Body Scan Meditation

Let’s get straight to the point about body scan meditation, especially if you’re just starting [...]

Seated Meditation Exercise 🎧 ▶️ perfect for beginners

This Seated Body Scan guided meditation is the stress-relief shortcut. Perfect for beginners, this mindful [...]

Body Scan Meditation For Deep Sleep 🎧▶️

Body Scan Meditation for Deep Restful Sleep This is an original 10-minute sleep meditation, a [...]

20 minutes Body Meditation 🎧 ▶️ mindfulness exercise

This body scan meditation is designed to provide an immersive experience that is perfect for [...]

7 Types of Grief

Grief is a multifaceted experience that defies one-size-fits-all descriptions. It can envelop us in the [...]

The Therapeutic Power of Writing About Emotions

There’s something almost magical about the act of writing, especially when it comes to the [...]

Being Real ✧ Self-Acceptance & Authenticity

I’m sharing my personal discovery of how our struggles, fears, and imperfections are just as [...]

Ever in Sight – the Judgments I Cast

In the raw light of truth, it becomes undeniably clear: the judgments I cast are [...]

Hearing the Unspoken: A Path to Deep Body Connection

When we listen to the whispers of our own bodies, we learn the language of [...]

What Does Body Scan Meditation Do

Engaging in a body scan meditation isn’t just an act of self-care; it’s a scientifically-backed [...]

Bare Hearts: Genuine Thrum of Love

Genuine Thrum of Love I thought about Love today… Not just that butterflies-in-your-stomach kind of [...]

Imagine Love

Love, an eternal echo, subtle and profound, a connection felt but never bound… Be Alive [...]

Lessons from Furry Sages: Embracing the Now

Paws in Presence: Embracing the Now I watched my dog the other day. You know [...]

The Gardener’s Meditation: Sowing Seeds and Cultivating Serenity 🎧

MINDFUL GARDENING PRACTICES Grounded Growth 1. Grounding: Just pause. Stand or sit in your space, [...]

Kissed By a Ray 🎧

Today, I woke up, kissed by a ray of sun gently on my forehead… I [...]

The Healing I Can Hold

Resilience In My Fingertips During those tough times, and even now when the flickers of [...]