“The Texture” is a poem close to my heart, exploring the process of learning to accept myself, flaws and all. It’s a reminder that we’re all perfectly imperfect. This spoken word piece was born from a place of deep self-reflection on embracing our imperfections and finding beauty in the messy parts of life through the process of self-acceptance. ✨ I hope it resonates with you 💞

The Texture

We’re taught to curate ourselves like art galleries, 
displaying only the pieces deemed worthy. 
But I’ve discovered a different kind of exhibition, 
where every brushstroke counts, without omission.
I used to sand down my edges, smooth out the grain, 
thinking perfection was the only way to remain. 
But in that polishing, I lost something true – 
the texture of experiences that made me, well – me. 
You see, it’s not about crafting a flawless façade, 
or erasing the chapters where I felt flawed. 
It’s more about honoring each line on this page, 
acknowledging growth at every stage.

(2014, © Julia Delaney)

The Texture / by Julia Delaney

Let’s celebrate the beautiful complexity of being human, where every piece of us has a home.

Be Alive 🌱
Love ❤️, Julia

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