Tag Archives: emotional regulation

The Tension Takedown: How Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) Helps You Let Go of Stress 🎧 ▶️

In the throes of everyday hustle, stress has a way of making its home within [...]

The Therapeutic Power of Writing About Emotions

There’s something almost magical about the act of writing, especially when it comes to the [...]

How Much Emotional Pain Can We Take? Facing Loss & Heartbreak

When the weight of a broken heart crushes you, leaving you gasping for air… When [...]

What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation technique (PMR)

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a technique that aims to reduce stress and tension in [...]

Why Body Awareness is Key to Emotional Regulation: How Body Scan Meditation Can Help You Manage Difficult Emotions

Have you ever experienced a wave of difficult emotions that seem to come out of [...]