Tag Archives: inner strength

One More Step

This poem offers hope and motivation for anyone who has struggled with emotional resilience and [...]

Bare Narratives: The Stories We Wear

Skin Stories We’ve been conditioned to see our bodies as projects, billboards for our successes [...]

The Last To Cast: In Search of Kindness Within

In Search of Kindness Within Here I am… just another person in this vast universe, [...]

Through Grief and Joy In Shattered Worlds I Quest

In shattered worlds I quest “Entwined” is a glimpse into the moments when everything feels [...]

Reflections Beyond Perception: How We Shape Our Reality

You are what you see, not what you’re looking at The Beauty in the Eye [...]

Dare to Bear

I wrote this poem as a reminder of the strength and resilience that lies within [...]

The Colors of Perception Through the Looking Glass of the Soul 🎧

As we move through life, we encounter an endless array of sights and sounds that [...]

The Blossoming Soul: Deception, Resilience, and the Unfolding of Inner Truth and Self Discovery

Like the flowers in the garden, we must root ourselves in the soil of our [...]

Despair: The Unseen Chasm

And boy, the despair… Despair felt like standing at the edge of a cliff with [...]

Grief: Strength Beneath the Rubble

Strength Beneath the Rubble You know, when it felt like my world was crumbling around [...]