You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.

J. Krishnamurti

Today is March 1, 2022. I want to remember this day—the day when it all became so crystal clear. No doubt.

The Unraveling

Words once sweet now bitter on my tongue. 
Your promises of freedom – a noose around my neck.
I swallowed your truth whole, didn’t I? 
Gorged myself on borrowed wisdom,
until my belly ached with the weight of it all.
But today — Today the spell shatters,
like glass beneath my feet,
each shard a reflection of the Self I lost
in the funhouse mirror of your teachings.
You redefined it, reshaped it
until it fit the cage you built for me.
Responsibility became my prison guard. 
Love, the bars that held me.
But listen — Can you hear it?
The creaking of rusted chains
as I stretch limbs long dormant,
muscles of doubt flexing, growing stronger
with each question that escapes my lips.
Who am I beneath these borrowed thoughts? 
What’s left when I peel away layers of doctrine? 
Raw, exposed, terrified 
but alive — oh god, Alive!
I am chaos and contradiction,
a universe of possibilities
expanding with each breath of free air.
The world spins madly on 
no longer bound by the axis of your truth, 
and in this dizzying freedom I find myself again.
Reborn in the ashes of your broken spell,
rising on wings of my own making,
no longer flying towards your sun,
but soaring into the vast unknown.
This is liberation
this is me 
reclaiming every letter of my name.

(03/01/2022, © Julia Delaney)

Be Alive 🌱
Love ❤️, Julia

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