Tag Archives: connection

Four Paws of Mindfulness: Discovering Inner Peace Through the Eyes of My Dog

The Tao of Doof: Mastering the Art of Living Before the sun peeks over the [...]

Bare Hearts: Genuine Thrum of Love

Genuine Thrum of Love I thought about Love today… Not just that butterflies-in-your-stomach kind of [...]

From Touch to Taste: The Role of Tactile Hunger in Emotional Eating Patterns

I would like to talk here about something called tactile hunger. The other day I [...]

Lifting the Veil

The poem celebrates the transformative power of immersing oneself in the natural world and letting [...]

Breaking Bread: Uniting Humanity Through a Simple Act

Breaking bread. Have you heard this phrase? I bet you have. Have you ever wondered [...]

Craving Beauty In the Threads of Connection

True beauty emanates from the soul’s depths, a radiant stream of love, kindness, and empathy. [...]