Every time we write something honest, something real, we’re throwing our voice into this giant, messy mix of human experience. It doesn’t matter if you’re scrawling in some old notebook, typing on your phone, or just muttering to yourself. You’re part of this… this ongoing conversation that’s been happening since humans first figured out how to make marks mean something.

It’s kind of mind-blowing when you stop to think about it. All of us, just trying to make sense of our lives, one word at a time. And somehow, in all that jumble of words and feelings, we find each other. We realize we’re not as alone as we thought.

In Lines of a Scribble

In lines of a scribble,
uncharted paths in the mind’s confined,
raw emotions etched,
a soul’s wild cry,
in ink-stained chaos,
truths that lie.
Through tangles and knots – a hidden lore,
words claw and scrape at the inner core,
each mark a wound; 
each word a scream,
a way through life’s fractured dream.
I let the pen bleed,
harsh and true,
unravel secrets,
old and new,
because in scribbles wrest what lies inside,
a maelstrom in a soul’s wild tide.
Ragged lines,
a stark embrace,
an untamed dance in writing’s space,
uncharted realms in every scratch,
a life laid bare,
no strings attached.

(2005, © Julia Delaney)


As we scribble, type, or whisper our truths, we are connected, not just to our inner selves but to each other, to the timeless dance of human emotion and expression. 

Be Alive 🌱
Love ❤️, Julia



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