Category Archives: Mindful Kitchen

From Touch to Taste: The Role of Tactile Hunger in Emotional Eating Patterns

I would like to talk here about something called tactile hunger. The other day I [...]

Listening to Your Gut: Tuning Into Stomach Hunger and Appetite Awareness

There I was, in front of my computer, completely absorbed in a project, when suddenly, [...]

Gut-Wrenching Feeling: The Organic Path to a Healthier Microbiome

Nourishing Your Inner World Food is more than just sustenance; it’s an essential element of [...]

Why We Can’t Resist: The Biological Basis of Our Love for Sugar, Salt, and Fat

Have you ever wondered why the mere mention of fast food triggers an immediate watering [...]

Vanishing Acts: Harnessing the Power of ‘Out-of-Sight, Out-of-Mind’

Hide Your Cookies! 😳 The Magic of ‘Out-of-Sight, Out-of-Mind’ ‘Out-of-sight, out-of-mind,’ this phrase, seasoned with [...]

Brain Bites: the Mental Side of Our Eating Patterns

Feeding Curiosity: Mind Hunger and Sweetness of Satisfaction I love to read labels! All kinds [...]

Savoring the Moment: A Mindful Eating Tale

Hey there! So, in my poem “Savoring the Moment,” I’m all about taking the time [...]

Mindful Eating: A Path to Greater Health and Happiness

By practicing mindful eating, we can savor each bite, appreciate the flavors and textures of [...]

The Raisin Exercise: Mindful Eating Meditation for Beginners 🎧 ▶️

Mindful Eating Meditation is a powerful tool for cultivating awareness and presence in our daily [...]

Belly Full, Heart Hungry: The Irresistible Pull of Comfort Food

You know those days when all you want is a warm, comforting meal that just [...]

Savor the Moment: Discovering the Joy of Mindful Eating

Savoring the Moment You know that feeling when you’re eating your favorite meal, and you’re [...]

Reframing the Inner Critic 𑗍 Mindful Eating Practice Guide 📝

This practice is designed to help you develop a mindful eating practice that incorporates techniques [...]

Embracing the Now: Dissolving the Inner Critic 📝

This seemingly simple mindfulness practice can be a game-changer. It’s like a personal off-switch for [...]

Power Play: Your Personal Energy Equation

Do you remember how in school we learned that food was our fuel? Well, let [...]

Breaking Bread: Uniting Humanity Through a Simple Act

Breaking bread. Have you heard this phrase? I bet you have. Have you ever wondered [...]

Notes Form Life’s CookBook

I delight in the simple pleasures of eating. By trusting my instincts, seeking balance, and [...]

Eating seasonally – Summer edition

I strive to support a state of balance through the year by making a conscious [...]


Improve Digestion and Make any Ice Cream Healthier

I love ice cream! I hope you do too because I’m sharing how to make [...]

Caffeine Free Coffee Substitutes | 7 best coffee alternatives that taste like coffee

Naturally caffeine-free coffee substitutes. Let’s take a look at the seven best coffee alternatives that [...]


Mindful Kitchen: The Art of Conscious Connection with Food

So, here we go, cooking… Me and cooking… Let’s see…Growing up, the clinking of pots [...]