“A lighthearted chat for food love restored,
To help us remember what we once adored”

I delight in the simple pleasures of eating. By trusting my instincts, seeking balance, and eating mindfully, I love to feel connected with the thrilling world of flavors and nourishments that life offers. I eagerly savor every moment of my culinary adventures, reveling in the taste, the aroma, and the shared experiences that bring us all closer together. 💞

Notes Form Life’s CookBook

A lighthearted chat for food love restored,
to help me remember what we once adored:
there was a time, 
in a world of delight food was simple, 
and every bite brought joy and nourishment in equal measure,
and every meal was a moment to treasure.
But life moves on, and things get complex.
Our relationship with food somehow gets perplexed.
To find the way back, let’s take a look
at the recipe within Life’s Cookbook:
You know, Life’s happiness has many flavors,
food’s just one ingredient to savor.
Trust your instincts, 
your hunger will guide,
watch it closely and let it decide.
“I’m full,” a phrase to embrace,
in leaving food behind, there’s no disgrace.
Ride life’s rollercoaster, 
hunger’s rise and fall,
between meals, 
enjoy the highs and lows, 
learning to let go.
Explore the food world, a journey-wide,
discover new tastes, I don’t let them hide.
Weight fluctuations are natural, 
I learned not to fuss or fight,
no need for the scale to control my sight.
Ditch the calorie count, 
their numbers don’t rule,
balance and enjoyment 
are the most useful tools,
Mindful eating, 
a practice profound,
connecting with food and self, 
a bond unbound.

(2019 © Julia Delaney)

A lighthearted chat for food love restored

Be Alive 🌱
Love ❤️, Julia


Mindful Eating Meditation

Mindful Eating 🥢

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