Making the time to find comfort in solitude and silence is often seen as an unaffordable luxury. After all, if you’re off being quiet and reflecting, you’re not accomplishing anything, right?

I get that it’s tough to slow down in our fast-paced world, but trust me, you won’t regret it. I had believed that taking a break, or carving out some time for solitude and self-care, was an extravagant indulgence beyond my means. But I’ve learned the hard way that it’s not a perk; it’s a must for everyone. In this video, I discuss how I overcame stress and anxiety by setting aside time for introspection and meditation. I’ll explain why it’s crucial to give yourself time to think and de-stress, and how doing so helped me find peace of mind among the mayhem.

Me 💞 Searching for comfort 🧐 in this video 👇🏻

So much love, pain, joy, devastation, happiness, and resentment are collected in our souls and hearts as we fail to experience those feelings fully because of the speed of life, inability to face them, or other reasons. The thing is, those feelings tend to unpack themselves… And often not in the right moment 🤦🏼‍♀️

We all have our own speed, but it seems like everyone around us is trying to suck us into the whirlpool of events. Constant marketing pressure: “Last day of sale!” “One day deal only!”’ “don’t miss this opportunity!”, “book now!”, “you’ll be late!”,  “register now” “Last minute offer!” “now or never!”… Fast food, fast music, fast fashion, fast sex, fast training, fast weight loss, keep it together! …

Lately, quality got replaced with quantity. We are stuffing ourselves non-stop with news, movies, songs, books, tv shows, training, seminars, parties, exhibits, networking events…(you name it) … Without reflecting, looking at it quietly, or discussing it with friends. We are stuffed to the brim with unprocessed information. 

We are allowing ourselves to talk to a friend and post to Facebook at the same time. We are going to a business meeting to a restaurant and are losing the ability to savor the food and enjoy the ambiance. 

Oftentimes life situations truly require immediate action, so we act according to the situation, but the time is needed after the event to process thoughts and emotions and reflect on what had transpired. This time we owe it to ourselves. Time is the most valuable currency.


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To me, to have a good time, to enjoy it, means to steal an hour (or a day) from the mad race and give myself a moment to catch up, a moment to celebrate life. I love to celebrate life with all of my senses: to see, to smell, to taste, to feel, to laugh and…to cry… I can feel all of it! I’m Alive! And this is happiness. 

Making the time to find comfort in solitude and silence is often seen as an unaffordable luxury. After all, if you’re off being quiet and reflecting, you’re not accomplishing anything, right?

It’s humanly impossible to just keep going without ever stopping to rest. Even machines need downtime for repairs and maintenance. The human body is no different, with the exception that the mind often tries to influence continued action at the expense of physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Take your time, reflect, and relax…

Be Alive 🌱
Love ❤️, Julia

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