Poetry, by its nature, requires a distillation of experience. To capture an emotion in a poem, you must condense and refine your thoughts and feelings into the most potent form. This distillation process can lead to epiphanies and insights, as the act of finding the perfect word or metaphor forces you to examine your emotions from different angles. Poetry’s rhythmic and symbolic nature also allows for a more abstract exploration of feelings, making it a powerful medium for expressing complex emotions.

Writing poetry has become a form of healing for me, a way to navigate through my emotions. The creation of each poem is a unique process; some pour out of me in minutes, some unfold over hours, while others demand days or even months to fully mature. Many times I can’t even recite them out loud without crying. But I do. I recite them to myself. And eventually, I reach a point where I feel a sense of relief. You know, it’s as if the emotions that were once overwhelming begin to settle, and I feel like I’ve shed a layer of myself.

These poems, though born from my deepest experiences, don’t remain tethered to me. They evolve into entities of their own, sort of like children who grow: once utterly reliant, then suddenly independent. They still belong to me, yet they stand apart, existing in their own right. I revisit them, time and again, finding joy in their familiar lines, as they’re a testament to a beautiful, sometimes painful, but always truthful piece of my experience.

When waves of sadness, regret, or any strong emotion threaten to overwhelm me, I turn to my writings. Immersing myself in my poems brings a comforting uplift, a balm for the soul. This personal solace led me to share my work with others, hoping to extend the same comfort. Initially, I shared them with a close circle of friends, then more publicly on my website and social media, with the hope that my words might offer solace to others as well.

And now my book: “Through Grief’s Tender Heart.” This book is my offering to the world, a piece of my heart laid bare, with the hope that it resonates with others, helping them find their own relief and understanding through my words. My hope is that it reaches those who need it most.

AudioBook Sample:


Look Inside the Cover

  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample
  • Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney, Sample

Be Alive 🌱
Love ❤️, Julia

Julia Delaney; a book cover. The cover is predominantly a deep blue color that transitions from a darker shade at the top to a lighter tone at the bottom. There's a spotlight effect on the cover, highlighting the title and part of the image on the cover
Through Grief's Tender Heart book by Julia Delaney,

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Healing through Loss


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