Category Archives: Grief

When Comfort Feels Out of Reach: A Poem for Those Supporting Loved Ones Through Grief 🎧

Have you ever felt at a loss for words when trying to comfort someone you [...]

To My Sun-Loving Yogi

No matter how many times I say to myself, “She had a good, full life,” [...]

Beyond Breath

The ethereal journey of the soul in "Beyond Breath" and "Unbound—Complete" by Julia Delaney. An [...]

Sit With Your Pain. Caught in the Relentless Grip of Grief. 🎧

“Sit with your pain, be with it,” he said.I smiled, screaming inside:“You have no F*ing [...]

7 Types of Grief

Grief is a multifaceted experience that defies one-size-fits-all descriptions. It can envelop us in the [...]

The Importance of Human Connection: Finding Belonging in Times of Change

You know those moments, right? When life just… shifts. It’s like you’re walking along a [...]

Navigating Grief: A Reflection on Shared Humanity

In the quietest moments, when the weight of absence feels most profound, I found myself [...]

When Winter Whispers My Name

There’s a raw truth in winter’s first chill – it cuts to the heart, reminding [...]

Through Grief’s Tender Heart

For moments when you seek a deeper connection, let this be the place where words [...]

Yoked in Grief: The Unseen Bridge 🎧

Yoking Existence You know, there’s an object called a ‘yoke,’ usually made of wood, that [...]

A Scent of the Last Breath 🎧

Lilies… they were sitting right on the side table, filling a room with their essence, [...]

Lessons from Furry Sages: Embracing the Now

Paws in Presence: Embracing the Now I watched my dog the other day. You know [...]

The Gardener’s Meditation: Sowing Seeds and Cultivating Serenity 🎧

MINDFUL GARDENING PRACTICES Grounded Growth 1. Grounding: Just pause. Stand or sit in your space, [...]

Kissed By a Ray 🎧

Today, I woke up, kissed by a ray of sun gently on my forehead… I [...]

The Healing I Can Hold

Resilience In My Fingertips During those tough times, and even now when the flickers of [...]

Held Between Words

Held I stood there, frozen. He looked into my eyes, and without saying a word, [...]

Where Self and Silence Meet

Even the strongest trees sway in the winds, surrendering to the rhythm of nature, and [...]

How Much Emotional Pain Can We Take? Facing Loss & Heartbreak

When the weight of a broken heart crushes you, leaving you gasping for air… When [...]

The Frostbitten Bloom: Embracing Self-Kindness in the Cold of Loss

Embracing Self-Kindness in the Cold of Loss One thing I learned is that kindness towards [...]

In The Frame of Now: A Current of Moments Beneath the Tick of Time

In The Frame of Now It’s a heavy thing, isn’t it, this cloak of grief? [...]