Interlaced 🎧

Almost dawn… Still half-asleep among sheets, tucked in bed. A conversation happening… in my head: [...]

The Duality Breathing Meditations 🎧 ▶️

Take a moment just for yourself with this gentle guided meditation. Using a simple breathing [...]

Bare Hearts: Genuine Thrum of Love

Genuine Thrum of Love I thought about Love today… Not just that butterflies-in-your-stomach kind of [...]

Imagine Love

Love, an eternal echo, subtle and profound, a connection felt but never bound… Be Alive [...]

Lessons from Furry Sages: Embracing the Now

Paws in Presence: Embracing the Now I watched my dog the other day. You know [...]

The Gardener’s Meditation: Sowing Seeds and Cultivating Serenity 🎧

MINDFUL GARDENING PRACTICES Grounded Growth 1. Grounding: Just pause. Stand or sit in your space, [...]

Kissed By a Ray 🎧

Today, I woke up, kissed by a ray of sun gently on my forehead… I [...]

The Healing I Can Hold

Resilience In My Fingertips During those tough times, and even now when the flickers of [...]

Held Between Words

Held I stood there, frozen. He looked into my eyes, and without saying a word, [...]

Where Self and Silence Meet

Even the strongest trees sway in the winds, surrendering to the rhythm of nature, and [...]

Behind the Scenes: Understanding Our Silence on Social Media During Distress

Alone, but not Lonely: The Silent Strength Behind Private Pain In our digital age, we’re [...]

Turn Off, Tune Out, Chill: Embracing the Quiet with Media Fast

Feasting on Information: Is Your Brain Busting at the Seams? Alright, picture this. Our brains [...]

Turning Tables on Temptations with Mindful Substitutions

Understanding Mindful Substitution: Cutting the Confusion You might be thinking, “Hold on! Are you saying [...]

How Much Emotional Pain Can We Take? Facing Loss & Heartbreak

When the weight of a broken heart crushes you, leaving you gasping for air… When [...]

Driving Through the Maze of Inner Voices and Nutritional Choices

Bumpy Ride 🫣 Who’s Really Driving Your Choices? Imagine for a moment you’re a bus [...]

The Last To Cast: In Search of Kindness Within

In Search of Kindness Within Here I am… just another person in this vast universe, [...]

Slow It Down: Unlocking the Art of the Slow Feast💫 Why Pace Makes the Meal

The Fast and the Flavorless: Unmasking the Downside of Speed-Eating So you know how when [...]

Food, Fear, and Freedom: Fasting to Feasting

Riding The Diet Rollercoaster 🎢 Our relationship with food can sometimes feel like a never-ending [...]

Navigating the Silence: The Power of Breath

Breathing Life Whenever I felt the weight of the world heavy on my shoulders, pressing [...]

Size Matters! A Bite-Size Guide to Eating ‘Just Enough’

Have you ever been to a buffet, with a tantalizing array of options spread before [...]