Category Archives: Articles

Breaking the Anxiety Cycle with Cyclic Sighing: A Natural, Powerful Technique for a Calmer, Happier You

Anxiety has become a common issue in our modern world, affecting millions of people worldwide. [...]

To My One and Only 🎧 ▶️

The Journey of a Lifetime I want to share with you a poem that I [...]

Body Image and Self-Esteem – What Can a Body Scan Do for You?

I know firsthand how challenging it can be to navigate the complex landscape of body [...]

Mind Your Body! Things to Know Before Beginning Body Scan Meditation📝

Well, it’s time to mind your body! Body scan meditation is a simple but powerful [...]

Chronic pain relief: How Body scan meditation can help you manage pain

I can’t know what you are going through; I’m not walking in your shoes, and [...]

Inside Out: Feeling Your Way to Wellness

Ever noticed how we go through life on autopilot, especially when it comes to our [...]

Brain Bites: the Mental Side of Our Eating Patterns

Feeding Curiosity: Mind Hunger and Sweetness of Satisfaction I love to read labels! All kinds [...]

Savoring the Moment: A Mindful Eating Tale

Hey there! So, in my poem “Savoring the Moment,” I’m all about taking the time [...]

Mindful Eating: A Path to Greater Health and Happiness

By practicing mindful eating, we can savor each bite, appreciate the flavors and textures of [...]

The Raisin Exercise: Mindful Eating Meditation for Beginners 🎧 ▶️

Mindful Eating Meditation is a powerful tool for cultivating awareness and presence in our daily [...]

Resentment: A Thief of Joy – How to Find Light in the Darkness of Resentment

Hello, dear friend. Have you ever held onto a grudge, a hurt, a pain that [...]

A Love Letter: Revealing a Bond Beyond Compare

This love letter, penned with care,reveals a bond beyond compare. Indeed, I am deeply in [...]

The Power of the Ocean: Finding Love, Clarity, and Self-Discovery

The ocean taught me profound lessons about life. It was a living, breathing entity, changing [...]

The Power of Words

The power of words in the journey of healing. Explore the depths of emotions and [...]

Belly Full, Heart Hungry: The Irresistible Pull of Comfort Food

You know those days when all you want is a warm, comforting meal that just [...]

Self-Compassion Meditation 🎧 ▶️

Loving-kindness meditation is a powerful practice that can help cultivate feelings of love, empathy, compassion [...]

Savor the Moment: Discovering the Joy of Mindful Eating

Savoring the Moment You know that feeling when you’re eating your favorite meal, and you’re [...]

Why Being Present is So Hard 🎧

While unfulfilled expectations, along with all the best-and-brightest moments of “There and Then,” seductively lure [...]

Through My Gaze

This poem delves into the struggle of finding one's authentic self amidst the cacophony of [...]

Body scan meditation for anxiety: How to use mindfulness to ease physical symptoms of anxiety

As a mindfulness meditation teacher, I have seen how anxiety can affect individuals of all [...]