Category Archives: poetry

The Colors of Perception Through the Looking Glass of the Soul 🎧

As we move through life, we encounter an endless array of sights and sounds that [...]

A Bond Unbroken

Through fields of shadow, pain, and fright my love will never veer.

Lonely – Moving Through Crowds

Explore this emotive poem by Julia Delaney, reflecting the paradox of feeling alone in a [...]

Misguided: From Spiritual Heist to Authentic Peace

Spirituality, like a mirror, reflects back what we often wish to see in ourselves—innate wisdom, [...]

You might never touch them again

They clench their will into a fist, and just like that— let you go. Mornings [...]

Within the Heart, Without the Veil: An Instant Unfolded

This is my exploration of inner turmoil, creativity, and the cathartic process of writing. I’m [...]

After the Sun Goes Down

How can one put in words the feeling of looking into her mother’s eyes after [...]

You can shine with the light beaming out of your heart

We are all in power to create little islands of peace around us, and may [...]

The Blossoming Soul: Deception, Resilience, and the Unfolding of Inner Truth and Self Discovery

Like the flowers in the garden, we must root ourselves in the soil of our [...]

I feel the warm soil with my bare feet

Be Alive 🌱,❤ Love, Julia

Tears, the Showers for the Soul

This poem reframes tears as this powerful, soulful language, beyond just sadness or joy. It [...]

Braking Bread: The Unspoken Bond

Be Alive 🌱Love ❤️, Julia

How I Let Go

This is how I let go, how I begin to heal, by giving my wounds [...]

The Dual Pulse: Rage and Love

When the war in Ukraine started, shattering the streets where I once played and grew, [...]

Breath and the Dance of Forgotten Words

Explore the profound impact of memory loss and the delicate dance of forgetting and remembering [...]

So I Write. Writing – a powerful tool for healing.

Writing as a means of navigating through grief—is a powerful tool for healing. Writing allows [...]

The Twisted Transformation

The quest for a richer inner life can sometimes lure us into landscapes filled with [...]

The Allure of Absolute Answers in an Uncertain World

We live in a landscape of questions—questions about who we are, what our purpose is, [...]

Without You

For those who tread this path of thorns,know your pain is my pain, and is [...]

Steam Off Self-Esteem

Self-esteem? I don’t have any. You see, I don’t think there is such a thing. [...]