Category Archives: poetry

Embracing Life’s Spin: The Potter’s Wheel of Life

The Potter’s Wheel of Life Life is just like a potter’s wheel, spinning and shaping [...]

Through Grief and Joy In Shattered Worlds I Quest

In shattered worlds I quest “Entwined” is a glimpse into the moments when everything feels [...]

Vulnerability & Strength: Balancing Lessons from Romantics

You know, it’s funny how life can be a lot like walking on a tightrope. [...]

Embrace Your Polka Dots

I couldn't believe my eyes! A zebra with polka dots?! It was too cool! I [...]

In Moments of Despair, When I Feel So Alone 🎧

The Power of Shared Pain Grief has a way of sneaking up on us, catching [...]

Reflections Beyond Perception: How We Shape Our Reality

You are what you see, not what you’re looking at The Beauty in the Eye [...]

A Look Beyond the Gaze: Embracing Self and Choosing Compassion

Embracing Self and choosing compassion is the key to unlocking our true potential and creating [...]

Beyond Hope: A Pathway to Authentic Living

Embracing Life Beyond Hope One thing I’ve learned from my experiences is that hope can [...]

Let’s Unpack: How to Let Go and Release the Burdens of the Past

See how to let go and release the burdens of the past with practical tips [...]

Finding Beauty in Every Human: Why Empathy and Compassion are Important

At the end of the day, we’re all Human – and in a world that [...]

The Hidden Joy – What makes you happy?

What makes you happy? Hey there, have you ever had someone ask you, “What makes [...]


To My One and Only 🎧 ▶️

The Journey of a Lifetime I want to share with you a poem that I [...]

Savoring the Moment: A Mindful Eating Tale

Hey there! So, in my poem “Savoring the Moment,” I’m all about taking the time [...]

Resentment: A Thief of Joy – How to Find Light in the Darkness of Resentment

Hello, dear friend. Have you ever held onto a grudge, a hurt, a pain that [...]

A Love Letter: Revealing a Bond Beyond Compare

This love letter, penned with care,reveals a bond beyond compare. Indeed, I am deeply in [...]

The Power of the Ocean: Finding Love, Clarity, and Self-Discovery

The ocean taught me profound lessons about life. It was a living, breathing entity, changing [...]

The Power of Words

The power of words in the journey of healing. Explore the depths of emotions and [...]

Through My Gaze

This poem delves into the struggle of finding one's authentic self amidst the cacophony of [...]

The Shower of Life

In my poem “The Shower of Life” I use rain as an allegory for the [...]

Where to begin?

Embracing your passions, making gratitude and happiness a daily choice, and taking the first step [...]