Category Archives: wellness

Misguided: From Spiritual Heist to Authentic Peace

Spirituality, like a mirror, reflects back what we often wish to see in ourselves—innate wisdom, [...]

The Unaffordable Luxury of Solitude: How to Make Time for Self-Care in a Busy World

Making the time to find comfort in solitude and silence is often seen as an [...]

The Gift of Motherhood

The inclusiveness of another life as a part of yourself is what I celebrate on [...]

Breaking Bread: Uniting Humanity Through a Simple Act

Breaking bread. Have you heard this phrase? I bet you have. Have you ever wondered [...]

The Power of Inspiration: How to Tap into Your Creative Flow

Often, I get so inspired that all I want to do is capture the vision [...]

I Didn’t Listen to My Body 🤦🏼‍♀️ My Experience of Ignoring Warning Signs and Facing the Consequences

Through my personal experience of ignoring warning signs from my body and the consequences that [...]

Within the Heart, Without the Veil: An Instant Unfolded

This is my exploration of inner turmoil, creativity, and the cathartic process of writing. I’m [...]

I woke up today!

I woke up today! If you’re reading this message, you did too. Many are not [...]

After the Sun Goes Down

How can one put in words the feeling of looking into her mother’s eyes after [...]

Defended by heroes, Surrounded by heroes

“Momma, you are defended by heroes, you are surrounded by heroes, and you are my [...]

We have to maintain, dear. We have to maintain.

When you create love and peace within yourself, you can expand it outwards, and outwards, [...]

I hope they nest. I hope they nest. I hope they nest.

Today was another rough night in Kyiv (Ukraine), but the crow is still there… Well, [...]

Being Human

It is incredible to witness how the World is uniting before our eyes. I’m not [...]

You can shine with the light beaming out of your heart

We are all in power to create little islands of peace around us, and may [...]

The Blossoming Soul: Deception, Resilience, and the Unfolding of Inner Truth and Self Discovery

Like the flowers in the garden, we must root ourselves in the soil of our [...]

I feel the warm soil with my bare feet

Be Alive 🌱,❤ Love, Julia

My father is Ukrainian and my mother is Russian

My father is Ukrainian and my mother is Russian. My mother lived in Ukraine her [...]


Tears, the Showers for the Soul

This poem reframes tears as this powerful, soulful language, beyond just sadness or joy. It [...]

How I Let Go

This is how I let go, how I begin to heal, by giving my wounds [...]

The Dual Pulse: Rage and Love

When the war in Ukraine started, shattering the streets where I once played and grew, [...]