Category Archives: poetry

Soothing Whispers: Lullaby for a Sorrowed Heart

Be Alive 🌱Love ❤️, Julia

Take Me, Spin Me, Let Me Sway…

A world where vinyl records spun on the turntable, their grooves humming stories from across [...]

A Dance of Two Worlds

…But for all the freedom and connection I found in my writing, there was a [...]

A Mother’s Open Letter – Mother’s Love to all who need it

A Mother’s love to anyone who needs it. If you are missing your mom, listen [...]

Navigating the Depths of Grief and Sorrow

I have no words to soothe your pain. All I can offer is a space [...]

Luminous Threads and Connected Souls

We are not fixed entities, not statues in a gallery or patterns in a work [...]

Embrace Change and Growth: “I Should Probably Go”

Contemplating the leap from known to unknown, this poetic piece captures the essence of embracing [...]

In Love I Fall Again…

Love is not a journey but a state of being, a continuous dance to an [...]

Gorgeous Sunset 2020 – Beautiful Sunrise 2021

Another year is over. And what a year it was. Unbelievable! I want to share [...]

In the Light of New Beginnings

Here’s to the beauty of beginnings, to the hope each morning brings, to the songs [...]

Emptiness Lives Within Us

I felt a bit down lately. When I set down and looked deep inside, this [...]

The World is a Better Place With Beautiful You

At times, you might feel like a lily among sunflowers, surrounded by bright colors and [...]

Craving Beauty In the Threads of Connection

True beauty emanates from the soul’s depths, a radiant stream of love, kindness, and empathy. [...]

On the Edge of a World Unknown

Life pulses, flows, and shifts around us. In the swirl of obligations, expectations, and ceaseless [...]

Glimpses of Innate: Beauty that Shines

I’m sharing here something that I’ve experienced, something that goes beyond just an idea or [...]

There’s a Surrender In the Falling…

Falling is about letting go, surrendering, and discovering that Love is not something we can [...]

Where All Belong

Languages are threads that connect us all. They are more than mere words strung together; [...]

Holding Together

because some things can’t be shared, not with a world that looks but doesn’t see

Unscripted Connections: Words Without Walls

I found joy in the dance of words, in the rhythm they created, in the [...]

Sweet Moment of Living

For sure, you experienced how magical the simple things can be. Like when the sun [...]