Category Archives: Mindfulness

Mindfulness, Therapeutic Mindfulness and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Tears, the Showers for the Soul

This poem reframes tears as this powerful, soulful language, beyond just sadness or joy. It [...]

How I Let Go

This is how I let go, how I begin to heal, by giving my wounds [...]

The Dual Pulse: Rage and Love

When the war in Ukraine started, shattering the streets where I once played and grew, [...]

So I Write. Writing – a powerful tool for healing.

Writing as a means of navigating through grief—is a powerful tool for healing. Writing allows [...]

The Twisted Transformation

The quest for a richer inner life can sometimes lure us into landscapes filled with [...]

The Allure of Absolute Answers in an Uncertain World

We live in a landscape of questions—questions about who we are, what our purpose is, [...]

What is Mindfulness? A Frank Conversation

The Seed of Mindfulness Imagine yourself as a skilled gardener, nurturing a small seed nestled [...]

Without You

For those who tread this path of thorns,know your pain is my pain, and is [...]

The Beauty of Aging: Embracing the Changes and Celebrating Life

I’m not anti-aging, I’m not pro-aging, I’m aging. (well, my body is aging, to be [...]

Why should I suffer?

After years of yoga and meditation and everything I’ve been through, I thought -“I got [...]


When the Mirror Speaks: Uncovering Hidden Truths in Our Reactions

By sharing my experiences and opening up about the beauty and strength I’ve found in [...]

Triggered – Self Control vs. Self Awareness

The mistakes we make are invaluable, especially when it comes to navigating through life. They [...]

Story time: I have a Stone in my head – life update

Story time vlog! Life update on a stone in my head 🤪 and my real [...]

After They’re Gone: A Way Through Grief

Grief… it can feel like awakening to a world robbed of its hues, the bright [...]

A Handful of Soil

The soil embraces, in the rhythm of the earth, I find solace in strife

From Soil to Soul: Embracing Growth Amidst Loss

From Soil to Soul There’s a remarkable sanctuary, where the echoes of bygone days and [...]

No Words – Chemo Brain

The surgeries were grueling, the chemo a relentless assault on my body. But more than [...]

Despair: The Unseen Chasm

And boy, the despair… Despair felt like standing at the edge of a cliff with [...]


Then the bargaining came… It was a bit like trying to haggle at a market [...]

Denial: the silent dance of unending beginning

Finding myself in the thick of denial in the mids of grief, I felt like [...]