Tag Archives: mindfulness

Love – A Grace We Come To Know

Love is the most powerful Life source.We can’t control or own someone else’s feelings.But we [...]

Grief: In The Heartland of Love

In The Heartland of Love In the heartland of Love,I crafted my dreams,Cityscapes of hope,stitched [...]

Soothing Whispers: Lullaby for a Sorrowed Heart

Be Alive 🌱Love ❤️, Julia

Navigating the Depths of Grief and Sorrow

I have no words to soothe your pain. All I can offer is a space [...]

Luminous Threads and Connected Souls

We are not fixed entities, not statues in a gallery or patterns in a work [...]

Embrace Change and Growth: “I Should Probably Go”

Contemplating the leap from known to unknown, this poetic piece captures the essence of embracing [...]

Mindfulness and Therapeutic Mindfulness: What You Need to Know

Mindfulness and therapeutic mindfulness are topics that have gained much attention in recent years, and [...]

In the Light of New Beginnings

Here’s to the beauty of beginnings, to the hope each morning brings, to the songs [...]

The World is a Better Place With Beautiful You

At times, you might feel like a lily among sunflowers, surrounded by bright colors and [...]

Craving Beauty In the Threads of Connection

True beauty emanates from the soul’s depths, a radiant stream of love, kindness, and empathy. [...]

Mindful Living: From Practice to Transformation

Forms of Mindfulness Practice Have you heard of mindfulness, but not sure what it is [...]

On the Edge of a World Unknown

Life pulses, flows, and shifts around us. In the swirl of obligations, expectations, and ceaseless [...]

Paths Unwritten: In the Throes of Creation

Uncharted: In the Lines of a Scribble I remember this specific night… grappling with a heartbreak [...]


Glimpses of Innate: Beauty that Shines

I’m sharing here something that I’ve experienced, something that goes beyond just an idea or [...]

Where All Belong

Languages are threads that connect us all. They are more than mere words strung together; [...]

About Positive Pranic

Here We Are Prana… interesting word, isn’t it? Some think it’s the breath, a fleeting [...]


The Unifying Power of Beauty

The Universal Allure of Beauty In the vast expanse of the universe, there exists an [...]

The Human Experience: The Ebbs and Tides of Joy, Sorrow and Beyond

Life’s Dance Life is a complex dance of emotions, experiences, and all that lies in [...]

Dissolved Into the Moment: Embracing Life Beyond the Body

After all, this moment is all we have…. … I found myself alone in the [...]

Once a Dream was Mine… 🎧

Once a dream was mine, I held it firm in my hand, woven tight with [...]