Category Archives: Love

When Ends Begin: A Poem About Love, Loss, and New Beginnings

a short poem exploring the cyclical nature of love and life. It speaks to the [...]

This Quiet Love

Sometimes, the most profound love is the kind that’s calm and reassuring, the kind that’s [...]

Interlaced 🎧

Almost dawn… Still half-asleep among sheets, tucked in bed. A conversation happening… in my head: [...]

Bare Hearts: Genuine Thrum of Love

Genuine Thrum of Love I thought about Love today… Not just that butterflies-in-your-stomach kind of [...]

Imagine Love

Love, an eternal echo, subtle and profound, a connection felt but never bound… Be Alive [...]

Lessons from Furry Sages: Embracing the Now

Paws in Presence: Embracing the Now I watched my dog the other day. You know [...]

The Last To Cast: In Search of Kindness Within

In Search of Kindness Within Here I am… just another person in this vast universe, [...]

A Look Beyond the Gaze: Embracing Self and Choosing Compassion

Embracing Self and choosing compassion is the key to unlocking our true potential and creating [...]

To My One and Only 🎧 ▶️

The Journey of a Lifetime I want to share with you a poem that I [...]

A Love Letter: Revealing a Bond Beyond Compare

This love letter, penned with care,reveals a bond beyond compare. Indeed, I am deeply in [...]

The Power of the Ocean: Finding Love, Clarity, and Self-Discovery

The ocean taught me profound lessons about life. It was a living, breathing entity, changing [...]

A Meeting Point

Explore the powerful connection between writing and human emotions in this thought-provoking piece by Julia [...]

Tending the Self

Eyes closed, heart open wide, sensing life on the rising tide, welcoming the ride, in [...]

Lonely – Moving Through Crowds

Explore this emotive poem by Julia Delaney, reflecting the paradox of feeling alone in a [...]

Soothing Whispers: Lullaby for a Sorrowed Heart

Be Alive 🌱Love ❤️, Julia

In Love I Fall Again…

Love is not a journey but a state of being, a continuous dance to an [...]

There’s a Surrender In the Falling…

Falling is about letting go, surrendering, and discovering that Love is not something we can [...]

What is Love? Love Infinite Facets

‘What is Love?‘ he asked.In a world cluttered with definitions and drowned in sentiments, finding [...]