Category Archives: Conscious Living

Story time: I have a Stone in my head – life update

Story time vlog! Life update on a stone in my head 🤪 and my real [...]

After They’re Gone: A Way Through Grief

Grief… it can feel like awakening to a world robbed of its hues, the bright [...]

A Handful of Soil

The soil embraces, in the rhythm of the earth, I find solace in strife

From Soil to Soul: Embracing Growth Amidst Loss

From Soil to Soul There’s a remarkable sanctuary, where the echoes of bygone days and [...]

No Words – Chemo Brain

The surgeries were grueling, the chemo a relentless assault on my body. But more than [...]

Despair: The Unseen Chasm

And boy, the despair… Despair felt like standing at the edge of a cliff with [...]


Then the bargaining came… It was a bit like trying to haggle at a market [...]

Denial: the silent dance of unending beginning

Finding myself in the thick of denial in the mids of grief, I felt like [...]

Grief: Strength Beneath the Rubble

Strength Beneath the Rubble You know, when it felt like my world was crumbling around [...]

Grief: In The Heartland of Love

In The Heartland of Love In the heartland of Love,I crafted my dreams,Cityscapes of hope,stitched [...]

Soothing Whispers: Lullaby for a Sorrowed Heart

Be Alive 🌱Love ❤️, Julia

Navigating the Depths of Grief and Sorrow

I have no words to soothe your pain. All I can offer is a space [...]

Luminous Threads and Connected Souls

We are not fixed entities, not statues in a gallery or patterns in a work [...]

Mindfulness and Therapeutic Mindfulness: What You Need to Know

Mindfulness and therapeutic mindfulness are topics that have gained much attention in recent years, and [...]

EMPTY to EMPOWERED: How I Overcame Emptiness to Recharge and Rejuvenate

If you’ve ever felt empty and depleted, you’re not alone. In this video, I share [...]


Mindful Living: From Practice to Transformation

Forms of Mindfulness Practice Have you heard of mindfulness, but not sure what it is [...]

On the Edge of a World Unknown

Life pulses, flows, and shifts around us. In the swirl of obligations, expectations, and ceaseless [...]

Glimpses of Innate: Beauty that Shines

I’m sharing here something that I’ve experienced, something that goes beyond just an idea or [...]

I started the Positive Pranic YouTube channel in 2020, and this happened

I started my Positive Pranic YouTube channel in 2020. WHAT WAS I THINKING!??!. During this [...]


About Positive Pranic

Here We Are Prana… interesting word, isn’t it? Some think it’s the breath, a fleeting [...]